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Psychological tests can determine the characteristics of behavior, personality, attitudes, interests, motivation, attention, perceptions, thinking power, intelligence, fantasies of students. MTs N Kaliangkrik routinely conducts tests for the selection of majors on its students assisted by Pelita Harapan Bangsa Magelang. In the implementation of the test for students at MTs N Kaliangkrik, processing and calculating the score still used Ms. Excel which requires extra time to recap and know the test results and the school needs to recap the existing results. The system developed applies data mining using the C4.5 Algorithm to predict the selection of majors. The test that is used as system input is the grade IX test score of MTs N Kaliangkrik which includes verbal, non-verbal, general intelligence, language knowledge, definite knowledge, general knowledge, and qualitative power tests. The accuracy of the similarity in the system reaches 80% (good) so that the system is suitable for use as a prediction tool for selecting majors in other schools.


Data Mining Decision Tree Algorithm C4.5 IQ test

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