Edukasi: Jurnal Penelitian dan Artikel Pendidikan <div><span style="font-size: 12px;">Journal title :<strong> Edukasi: Jurnal Penelitian dan Artikel Pendidikan</strong><br>Abbreviation : <strong>Edukasi</strong><br>ISSN : <a href=";1490245585&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2579-4965</a>&nbsp;(e)&nbsp;<a href=";1327418002&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2085-1472</a>&nbsp;(p)<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><br></a>DOI Prefix : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">10.31603/edukasi</a> by&nbsp;<img src="" width="55" height="15"><br>Frequency : twice a year (June and December)<br>Indexing : <img src=";usqp=CAU" alt="Index of /pelatihan/public/site/images/mj20" width="59" height="17"> and<a href=""> view more &nbsp;</a>National Grade : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sinta 4</a><br>Impact Factor : 0,34 by <a href=";pubid=17" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sinta</a>&nbsp;(2019)&nbsp;<br>Journal History : See <a href="">Journal history&nbsp;</a><a href=""><em class="fa fa-external-link">&nbsp;</em><br></a>Editors :&nbsp;See&nbsp;<a href="">Editorial&nbsp;Team &nbsp;</a></span></div> Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang en-US Edukasi: Jurnal Penelitian dan Artikel Pendidikan 2085-1472 Implementasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah Dalam Menanamkan Karakter Siswa SD Negeri Suryodiningratan 3 <p><em>This study aims to find out how the implementation of the School Literacy Movement (GLS) in instilling the character of SD Negeri Suryodiningratan 3 students. The background of this research is taken from students who have difficulty in solving problems that exist in the surrounding environment, such as counting when eating snacks in the canteen, and others. This study uses a descriptive qualitative type, data collection using interviews, observation, documentation. Data analysis using data reduction, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study state several findings, including: School Literacy Movement in instilling student character in SD Negeri Suryodiningratan 3. Obstacles encountered in implementing the School Literacy Movement in instilling student character in SD Negeri Suryodiningratan 3. Solutions to obstacles found in carrying out the School Literacy Movement activities in instilling student character at SD Negeri Suryadiningratan 3. The implementation of the School Literacy Movement has a very important role in education. With these literacy activities can make a good impact in the world of education. Increase knowledge, and information. As well as helping students in solving a problem that exists in the surrounding environment.</em></p> Wahyu Kurniawati Fina Idamatus Silmi Henry Aditia Rigianti Rahma Kurnia Novitasari Novi Trilisiana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-07 2023-12-07 15 2 139 152 10.31603/edukasi.v15i2.10122 Pengembangan Buku Panduan Menulis Teks Eksplanasi Kelas VI SDN Karangwuluh <p><em>This research aims to develop a guidebook for writing explanatory texts to improve the writing skills of class VI students at SDN Karangwuluh, Kulon Progo Regency. This research uses a research and development (R&amp;D) approach based on Sugiyono's theory which has been adapted to research needs into seven implementation stages, namely: 1) data collection, 2) product design, 3) design validation, 4) design review, 5) product testing, 6) trial use, and 7) final product. The results of this research show that: (1) the guidebook was developed according to the student and teacher needs questionnaire; (2) valid guidebook based on validation from material experts and media experts. Obtained a percentage of 82% in the very appropriate category from material experts and a percentage of 83.5% in the very appropriate category from media experts; (3) the percentage of teacher responses after using the guidebook classically was 91.38% with very good criteria, the percentage of classical student responses was 88.82% with very good criteria; (4) the guidebook is effectively used in learning to write explanatory texts, the results of the t-test average difference analysis are 8.940 and the average increase (gain) is 0.71 with high criteria. The conclusion of this research is that the guidebook is suitable for use in learning activities.</em></p> Muhammad Zulfikar Siti Rochmiyati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 15 2 153 164 10.31603/edukasi.v15i2.10396 Model Pembelajaran Berbasis STEAM Projek untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis dan Kreatif Siswa <p><em>This research aims to analyze influence of the STEAM Project learning model (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) on students' critical and creative thinking abilities. The research was conducted on 15 class studentsVI at one of the elementary schools in Kulon Progo consisting of 8 male and 7 female students. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with interview and observation techniques. Results Study Demonstrated better critical thinking and creativity skills and increased at the third and fourth meetings. At the third meeting, students began to show their ability to solve problems, namely by making a mechanical power generator. The ability to think creatively was seen at the third and fourth meetings, namely when their dream house was realized which looked aesthetic and beautiful. The final product of this activity is the result of project activities in the form of a miniature house with installation and electricity generator. The STEAM Project-based learning model has encouraged students to be able to plan problem solutions, be flexible in providing solutions, and create product designs that have aesthetic value.</em></p> Dyah Puspita Sari Daimul Hasanah Insanul Qisti Barriyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 15 2 165 180 10.31603/edukasi.v15i2.10489 Strategi Backward Design Pada Pengembangan Modul Proyek Penguatan Profile Pelajar Pancasila untuk Melatih Literasi Budaya Siswa Sekolah Dasar <p><em>This research aims to produce a Pancasila Student Profile (P5) Reinforcement Project module that is used to improve the cultural literacy of elementary school students by applying the backward design strategy. The three stages of the Rowntree Model used in this research and development are (1) planning; (2) writing preparation; and (3) writing and editing. Product evaluation was conducted by conducting material expert validation with a value of 98.33%, project learning experts 99%, and cultural experts 98%. The percentage results of the assessment of the three experts showed that the product was feasible to use to improve cultural literacy in elementary school students. Product evaluation was also carried out with face-to-face tryouts which aimed to produce user responses, namely elementary school teachers regarding the value of ease of use and completeness of the P5 module on the theme of local wisdom to improve elementary school students' cultural literacy. Based on the overall product evaluation, the P5 module on the theme of local wisdom is declared feasible to use to improve the cultural literacy of elementary school students, easy for teachers to use in guiding the implementation of the Pancasila student profile reinforcement project, and a complete content format accompanied by an assessment instrument for each project activity to reinforce the Pancasila student profile.</em></p> Imaningtyas Imaningtyas Gusti Yarmi Taofik Taofik ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 15 2 181 196 10.31603/edukasi.v15i2.10535 Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Melalui Software Lectora Inspire Materi Wujud Zat Dan Perubahannya Berbasis Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning <p><em>The use of technology-based learning media is able to raise students' learning motivation, especially in science and science learning. The aim of this research is to find out the development process, feasibility and response of students to the Lectora Inspire media, material on the form of substances and its changes based on the problem based learning model in class IV of Sindangmandi State Elementary School. The research and development (R&amp;D) method used is the ADDIE model which consists of five stages, namely Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. The research was conducted on 22 students in class IV of Sindangmandi State Elementary School. Based on the research results, Lectora Inspire media is very suitable for use in learning activities. This is proven by the validation results carried out by experts. Validation from two media experts with a percentage of 89.5% is in the "Very Eligible" category. The validation score from two material experts with a percentage of 83.125% is in the "Very Eligible" category. Then validation from two language experts with a percentage of 91.25% which is in the "Very Eligible" category. So the overall validation results from all experts with a percentage of 87.95% were in the "Very Decent" category and student responses with a percentage of 98.4% were in the "Very Good" category.</em></p> Desih Desih M Taufik Sigit Setiawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 15 2 197 212 10.31603/edukasi.v15i2.10542 Pengembangan Media Permainan Edukatif Jenga Pintar (Jetar) Tema Ekosistem Untuk Meningatkan Minat Belajar Peserta Didik Sekolah Dasar <p><em>The aim of this research and development is to understand the process of developing the educational game media Jenga Smart with the ecosystem theme, its feasibility, student responses, and the students' learning interest after using this media. This media contains content related to thematic learning, specifically Theme 5 "Exploring Ecosystems" and Sub-theme 1 "Ecosystem Components," Lesson 2. The research method used is the Research and Development (R&amp;D) method. The development model employed in this study follows the ADDIE development model, consisting of five stages: Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluation. Data collection techniques include interviews, observations, questionnaires, and documentation. The subjects of this study are 20 fifth-grade students from SDIT Tarbiyah Rabbaniyyah. The research findings indicate that the average validation score from the expert team is 89.09%, falling under the "Very Eligible" category. Additionally, students' responses to this media have an average score of 88.83%, which falls under the "Very Good" category. Similarly, the students' learning interest has increased, with an average score of 66% before using the media, categorized as "Moderate", and 92.25% after using the media, categorized as "High". In conclusion, the Jenga Smart educational game media is suitable for use and can enhance students' learning interest.</em></p> Sholekhah Nur Khasanah Nana Hendracipta Encep Andriana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 15 2 213 230 10.31603/edukasi.v15i2.10508 Model Pembelajaran Blended Learning Tipe Flipped Classroom Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar <p><em>This research is rooted in low achievement in the cognitive realm of science subjects with gravitational force material in grade IV elementary schools. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the improvement of student learning outcomes in science subject disciplines related to the concept of gravity force through the application of a flipped classroom type blended learning learning model. The focus of this research is centered in one of the public elementary schools in Bangkalan Regency, Madura. This research adopts a mixed approach that integrates qualitative and quantitative elements. The method applied is Classroom Action Research (PTK) with two stages of cycles. The subjects of the study involved 31 grade IV elementary school students, with details of 16 boys and 15 girls. Research data were obtained through observation techniques and tests. The findings of this research revealed a substantial improvement in the learning outcomes of students in science subjects gravitational force material through the application of a flipped classroom type blended learning model. This is known from the students' classical completion rate which increases in each phase: pre-cycle (29%), cycle 1 (58%), and cycle 2 (94%). These data reflect consistent improvements in student learning outcomes in each cycle. This is proof that the application of the flipped classroom type blended learning model is effective in improving student learning outcomes.</em></p> Mufidatul Khusna Priyono Tri Febrianto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 15 2 231 246 10.31603/edukasi.v15i2.10574 Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Audio Visual Berbasis Website Canva Pada Mata Pelajaran IPAS Topik Perkembangbiakan Tumbuhan di Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar <p><em>This research aims to develop audio visual learning media based on the Canva website in the science and sciences subject on the topic of plant reproduction in class IV elementary school. This research is development research/R&amp;D (Research and Development) using the ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) model. The subjects of this research are teachers and students of class IV at SDN Singarajan, based on the lack of utilization of existing facilities at the school. , one of which is the use of digital-based learning media. The trial results show a very high level of feasibility of the learning media, the resulting learning media has a level of validity from the two material expert validators, obtaining an average percentage of 89.9% of the "very feasible" criteria. Validation media experts from the two validators media experts from the two validator experts obtained 89.2% of the "very feasible" criteria. The average percentage of validation of language experts from the two validators obtained 87.9% of the "very feasible" criteria. The overall average percentage of the validators material experts, media experts, language experts obtained a score of 89% with the criteria "very feasible". The overall percentage of student responses to the product being developed obtained an average percentage of 88% with the criteria "very feasible". Based on the results of expert validation and student responses, the development of audio visual learning media based on the Canva website can foster students' learning motivation and make learning more practical by providing a more concrete picture in delivering material on plant breeding topics in class IV elementary schools.</em></p> Lila Kamila M Taufik Ratna Sari Dewi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 15 2 247 262 10.31603/edukasi.v15i2.10528 Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek Dalam Pembelajaran IPA Di Sekolah Dasar <p><em>Natural Science learning in elementary schools has an important role in forming the basis of students' knowledge and interest in science. This research aims to describe the implementation of project-based learning in science learning in elementary schools. This description reveals information regarding the condition of students' interest in learning, the condition of students' understanding, and the condition of students' activeness when implementing science learning by implementing project-based learning. The research method used in this research is descriptive. Research data was obtained through observation and interviews. The data analysis technique applied uses 4 stages, namely data collection, data reduction, data display, ending with drawing conclusions. The research results show that the application of project-based learning methods in science learning in elementary schools can increase students' interest in learning, increase students' understanding of science concepts, and activate students in learning activities. The role of the teacher as a facilitator and motivator is very important in implementing project-based learning methods in science learning in elementary schools, so teachers of course need to continue to innovate and improve competence in carrying out teaching in the classroom.</em></p> Dwi Handono Ana Fitrotun Nisa Yuli Prihatni ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 15 2 263 278 10.31603/edukasi.v15i2.10480 The Penerapan PjBL dalam Pemanfaatan Bahan Dapur untuk Membuat Replika Kekhasan Daerah Siswa Kelas VI SD <p><em>Project-based learning on arts and culture content and elementary school students' skills can really develop children's abilities in terms of knowledge, attitudes, skills and creativity. This is in line with the development stage of elementary school students, namely during the concrete operational period. This research aims to describe the implementation of PjBL which uses kitchen materials to create replicas of regional characteristics for class VI students at Widoro State Elementary School. This research uses a qualitative methodology with descriptive techniques. The main data collection method is carried out through interviews and observation, while additional information collection is carried out through documentation studies during learning and field recording. Primary data was collected using observation studies and interviews. Secondary data collection was carried out by carrying out documentation studies during the implementation of learning and taking field notes. Researchers conducted interviews with other class V teachers, and several class VI students. The results of the research show that the implementation of project-based learning by using kitchen materials to create replicas of regional characteristics for class VI students at Widoro State Elementary School was carried out well and received high enthusiasm from students. PjBL learning can improve skills, knowledge, attitudes, creativity and cooperation between students.</em></p> Iva Nila Sukma Insanul Qisti Barriyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 15 2 279 294 10.31603/edukasi.v15i2.10487 Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Video Animasi Doratoon Pada Pembelajaran Di Kelas V Sekolah Dasar <p><em>Research on the development of doratoon animated video-based learning media was carried out based on needs at SDN Singarajan, especially in class V, which required novelty or innovation in the use of media in learning, especially digital-based media used by teachers. The research was conducted with the aim of describing the process of developing interactive learning media based on Doratoon animated videos, finding out the feasibility of interactive learning media based on Doratoon animated videos and knowing students' responses to interactive learning media based on Doratoon animated videos. The research method used is the Research and Development (R&amp;D) method using the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) development model. The final results of media validation obtained an assessment of 88.5% in the "Very Eligible" category. The results of material validation obtained an assessment of 90.6% in the "Very Eligible" category. And the final results of language validation obtained an assessment of 79.3% in the "Decent" category. So the results of all validators received a final score of 86.1% in the "Very Eligible" category. And students' responses to interactive learning media based on Doratoon animated videos received a score of 95.3% in the "Very Good" category.</em></p> Listia Rahayu Ratna Sari Dewi Zerri Rahman Hakim ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 15 2 295 306 10.31603/edukasi.v15i2.10525 Analisis Peningkatan Kemampuan Calistung Melalui Bimbingan Belajar <p><em>Analytical research on improving calistung abilities was carried out because of complaints that emerged from the school that there were still many students in class VI who were still weak in calistung. This research was conducted with the aim of describing the implementation of tutoring activities to determine learning outcomes and improve the calistung abilities of class VI students at SD NU Pemanahan. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research method. With a population of 10 students in class VI of SD NU Pemanahan. Data collection techniques in this research used interviews, observation and documentation. Interviews were conducted with class VI teacher Mrs. I, to determine the development of students' calistung abilities when learning in class. Meanwhile, observations were made during the guidance process. Documentation in the form of photos, videos and student evaluation results over a period of time after guidance. The data analysis technique is carried out through three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. In implementing the guidance process, students are divided into 3 categories, namely less fluent in calistung, less fluent in reading and writing, and the third less fluent in arithmetic. Grouping is done to make it easier to provide guidance. After the end of the guidance process, a test of the abilities of each group was carried out and the results showed that they had improved. From the results of interviews with teachers, there was a significant improvement in the class during the learning process after the guidance process was carried out. So there was an increase in calistung ability in students who were given tutoring treatment.</em></p> Azizatul Alif Syafriza Muhammad Wachid Junanto Erizal Afif Fadilah Doni Yanuar Muhammad Naufal Hanif Fatimatu Zahroh Isti Munawaroh Yuni Sulistya Azzahro Nisa Arifatul Mufarida Muhammad Syamsudin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 15 2 307 322 10.31603/edukasi.v15i2.10481 Pin Duta Literasi (PINDULIT) Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Gerakan Literasi Sekolah <p><em>The School Literacy Movement is a government program to create a generation that likes reading books and has life skills, but in its implementation at SD Negeri 3 Kalipetir there are several indicators of the program that have not been implemented well, such as the 15 minute reading activity routine, the low number of students who have notes. Based on these problems, the PINDULIT (Pin Literacy Ambassador) program was implemented. The aim of this research is to determine the increase in student literacy in the GLS program using PINDULIT activities. This research is classroom action research using the Kemmis and Mc Taggart model. The research subjects were 10 class II students. The data collection technique used was observation of the implementation of literacy activities. Data analysis uses quantitative and qualitative descriptive. The results of this research show that the PINDULIT program was said to be successful in increasing student literacy in pre-action activities, the success of program implementation was 60%, then cycle I was 70% and cycle II was 90% in the good category.</em></p> Nadia Imti Khaningrum Siti Rochmiyati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 15 2 323 334 10.31603/edukasi.v15i2.10555 Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Wayang pada Materi Hubungan Antar Mahkluk Hidup dalam Ekosistem Terhadap Kemampuan Literasi Sains Siswa Kelas V <p><em>This research aims to develop learning media in the form of wayang. The development of this learning media uses the Research &amp; Development (R&amp;D) method. The resulting media is wayang learning media for scientific literacy skills. This research was conducted at SDN Renged 3 with 35 class V students as research subjects. Researchers use a research approach that refers to the ADDIE development model. The results of the development of wayang learning media on the scientific literacy abilities of class V students at SDN Renged 3 show that wayang learning media is included in the "very feasible" category. This can be seen from the validation results with validator lecturers, the average percentage value is 86% and the results of student responses average value 85%. The results of the scientific literacy ability test for class V students at SDN Renged 3 showed a pretest score of 38%, the "not good" category became a posttest score of 51%, the "fairly good" category after using wayang learning media with an increase of 0.22 was "low".</em></p> Nur Salsabila Rahayu Encep Andriana Nana Hendracipta ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 15 2 335 350 10.31603/edukasi.v15i2.10591