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Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) are a priority vegetable crop due to their high domestic trade value and export potential. Potatoes are used for various purposes, both as a vegetable and as a carbohydrate substitute. In addition to being used as a vegetable, potatoes are also utilized as raw materials in the food industry, such as chips, potato flour, and potato starch. Due to the relatively low temperature requirement (20-22°C) for tuber formation, potato cultivation areas in Indonesia are generally located in mountainous regions. One of the potato commodity centers is in the city of Batu, particularly in the Bumiaji District. According to vegetable crop potential data from the Batu City extension program in 2022, the area planted with potatoes is 485.2 hectares with a production potential of 968 tons. Since potato plants are more susceptible to pests and diseases, substandard maintenance can lead to low harvest yields, poor sales, and even crop failure. This issue has led to the development of an application for diagnosing potato pests. The expert system uses forward chaining methods and is web-based. The expert system processes facts answered by users of the potato application, diagnoses the symptoms present, and generates diagnostic results in the form of solutions for the diagnosed potato plant diseases or pests. With the availability of an expert system application for diagnosing potato plant diseases and pests, the limitation of expert manpower is no longer a hindrance for potato farmers. Recommendations and information regarding potato diseases and pests can be obtained online without the need to consult a specialist.


Forward Chaining Expert systems diseases pests potatoes

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