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This research aims to providing alternative solutions to consumers in determining which products are right and suitable for the Ph of their facial skin. Shows that the expert system really helps users in solving problems, in terms of determining the type of cosmetics. Applying a web-based forward chaining method in program creation. Design/methodology/approach: The method used in creating the system to determine which products are suitable for the PH type of facial skin is the Forward Chaining method. Forward chaining is a search technique that starts with known facts, then matches these facts with the IF part of the IF-THEN rules. If there is a fact that matches the IF part, then the rule is executed. Findings/result: To determine the type of cosmetic product that is suitable, it will be analysed using a web-based forward changing method. Using the PHP programming language and MySQL database. Dreamweaver is a software application that is used as an editor. System analysis and design using starUMLOriginality/value/state of the art: From the research results, this expert system has an accuracy of 80% and functions quite well in determining the type of cosmetic product using a web-based forward changing method to make it easier for consumers to find the right cosmetics.


facial skin cosmetics system expert

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