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Many individuals are interested in starting a workshop. By responding to each customer's desires, the workshop company may continue to develop, and so the data mining technique can address this challenge. The FP-Growth algorithm is one of the methods that may be used to determine the stock availability of automotive spare components such as engine oil, spark plugs, oil filters, ac filters, batteries, tires, and so on. This research is divided into four stages: problem identification, data gathering, data processing, and data testing. Based on the results of the testing, AK (Battery), OM (Engine Oil), and BS (Spark plug) received support values of 33% and 80%, respectively. Furthermore, the BN (Ban) and KR (Kampas Bram) values were found with 33% support and 80% confidence. Furthermore, we obtain AK (Battery) and OM (Engine Oil) with 33% support and 80% confidence, and BN (Tires) and OM (Engine Oil) with 33% support and 80% confidence. OM (Engineering Oil), AK (Battery), and BS (Battery Storage) are the abbreviations for the terms OM (Engineering Oil), AK (Battery), and BS (Battery (Spark plug)).


FP-Growth Data Mining Association Rule Sparepart Inventory

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