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Crinum asiaticum L. leaves is a plant that has a pharmacological effect, which
is to relieve pain. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the
ethanol extract of daffodils as an analgesic effect on male mice DDY. The
extract was obtained through the maceration extraction method and was
administered by oral administration with three dose variations, namely 200
mg/kg BW, 400 mg/kg BW, and 800 mg/kg BW. Ibuprofen 52 mg/kgBW was
used as a positive control and Na-CMC 0,5% as a negative control. 30 minutes
after induced with 1% acetic acid the amount of stretching was observed every
5 minutes to 60 minutes. The results showed the best analgesic effect at dose III
800 mg/kg BW with the percentage of analgesic protection of 80,66%. The
results of effectiveness at dose III 800 mg/kg BW of 99,37% which is almost the
same as the effectiveness of Ibuprofen at a dose of 52 mg/kgBW of 100%


Analgesic Crinum asiaticum L Daffodil leaves Percentage of effectiveness

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