Finger grip relaxation to alleviate pain and enhance mobility in patients with tibia fractures

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Nugraheni Nugraheni
Sumarno Adi Subrata
Margono Margono


Individuals with fractures often require time to recover, which can lead to challenges in fulfilling daily activities, especially for those with fractures in the extremities. Fractures in the upper and lower extremities can significantly impact one's ability to perform activities. These changes often include limited mobility due to pain caused by the irritation of motor and sensory nerves at the fracture site. When a fracture occurs, it can affect nerve fibers, leading to discomfort and pain. This, in turn, impacts the bones and the neurovascular system, causing pain during movement and resulting in impaired physical mobility. To manage the impact of fractures, including the pain experienced by patients both before and after surgery, various interventions are used. These include pharmacological approaches, such as analgesic medications, as well as non-pharmacological pain management techniques. One effective non-pharmacological approach is the finger grip relaxation technique. In this case, the author applied the finger grip relaxation technique to reduce the pain experienced by the patient, helping to address the problem of impaired physical mobility. The results of implementing the finger grip relaxation technique for patients with tibia fractures indicated a reduction in the pain scale, thereby improving physical mobility. With applying this intervention in the Edelwais Room at Tidar Hospital in Magelang City, it is hoped that inpatient nurses will gain increased knowledge and insight into providing effective nursing care.

Keywords: Medical surgical nursing; finger grip relaxation; pain; wound healing; nursing care


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Medical Surgical Nursing

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