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Farmer groups are an important initiative in developing farmers and supporting the government in accelerating the development of the agricultural sector. The Pejengkolan Village Farmers Group not only functions as a place to exchange knowledge in the agricultural sector but also as a center for productive activities for its members. One of the activities carried out is the fruit plant nursery business, which is one of the business units within it. The problem faced by farmer groups is a lack of knowledge in the field of digital marketing and marketing management. This activity aims to improve the human resources capabilities of farmer groups in the field of digital marketing and understanding of effective marketing strategies. This community service activity uses the PAR (participatory action research) method through seminars in the field of management and marketing strategy, and training in cultivating fruit seedlings. The results of the evaluation of this community service concluded that the target group's knowledge increased by 80% in the field of digital marketing, increased by 90% in the use of technology, and the ability to manage online shops in the marketplace increased by 90%.


Seeds Digital marketing Farming

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