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The Covid-19 pandemic has forced Aisyiyah Islamic Boarding School and Malang Junior High School (SMP ABSM) to organize distance learning. SMP ABSM is a business charity managed by the Regional Leadership of Aisyiyah (PDA) Malang Regency that has had their learning processes and materials undergo many changes including creating and presenting appropriate media and materials for distance learning activities, especially in English lessons. Furthermore, the teachers and school management are committed to helping the students adapt by making available relevant media and learning materials during and after the pandemic. Subsequently, the proposing team volunteered to provide training and assistance in the creation of English learning modules (which included supporting media and materials for both distance and face-to-face learning). With a series of training and mentoring processes, a set of English learning modules were produced and used during the pandemic. When learning finally returns to normal, the modules can still be presented in class.


Module English Pandemic

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