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Waqf is one of the Islamic teachings' guidelines for social behavior in the context of communal worship intended to win Allah SWT's favor. One of the popular waqf objects is land and appointing the Aisyiyah Regional Leader as a nazir. However, the reality is that many of these waqf lands are still registered in the name of the waqf owner, creating an issue for the waqf lands' ownership or legal certainty. The purpose of this program is to assist organizational cadres in identifying and resolving issues related to land waqf. The methods of socializing, consultation, and legal assistance are used to carry out the program. The outcome of this program is that the cadres can comprehend how to contribute to finding a solution to the land waqf problem, ensuring that the issues that have already arisen don't happen again.


Land waqf Legal certainty Aisyiyah Regional Leader

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