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Building customer relationships is a top priority in many firms. Building relationship with customers is to increase satisfaction and loyalty, increase the amount of favorable word of mouth, and purchases. Customers who have relationships with service provider not only expect to receive satisfactory delivery of the core service, but they are likely to receive additional benefits from the relationship. This research examines the benefits customers receive from relationships with salesperson in the department store. A study test whether the
functional and social benefits that customer deriver from a retail salesperson relationship are associated with reported levels of satisfaction, and share of purchases. Result of analysis indicated that there are influence which significance of the perception of functional benefit associated with satisfaction with the company, and satisfaction with company associated with share of purchase. The population jn this study is visitors to the Ramayana department store in Yogyakarta. The sampling technique used is convenience sampling which is a sample found anywhere and anytime (Cooper and Schlinder, 2001) with a total target sample is 271 respondens. Validity testing was done by construct validity using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) method. To
test the reliability in this study is to compare Cronbach Coefficient Alpha in the processed SPSS Release 13.0 with the Rule of Thumb / General Agreement of the alpha coefficient that is greater than 0.6 for exploratory research. To be able to analyze the model with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The perception of functional benefits has a positive influence on consumer satisfaction with department stores is supported. The perception of social benefits has a positive influence on consumer satisfaction with department stores is unsupported. Consumer satisfaction with department stores has a positive influence on the frequency of purchases made by consumers is supported. 


Functional Benefits Social Benefits Mediating Structural Equation Modeling

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