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Revealed that the nutritional state of a person is a picture of what is consumed in the long term. Nutrition condition can
manifest less or more. Levels of malnutrition can be mild, moderate or severe. Likewise, the state of nutrition can be mild,
moderate or severe. Someone who lack one or more nutrients can cause a deficiency disease. Only mild deficiency can cause
decreased ability to function although sometimes not realized it was due to nutritional factors. In accordance with the theory
of food food become essential to the survival of a person in accordance with the functions of food, so oraang must understand
what is needed for the body and food functions. Children in the age of 5-8 years is a golden period in which the child should
be provided with sufficient food nutrition as foundation or baseline for survival that will come without experiencing interference
will disrupt the process of development of the child because that age is included vulnerable nutritional need attention important.
Vulnerable nutrition usually occurs in infants, toddlers, school children 6-13 ye hypertension, coronary heart, diabetes and
stroke. Other terms submitted by Michael J. Gibney et al (2005: 304) A small child underweight was sh ort (stunted), iron
deficiency, smallish by age gestasionalnya. (SGA, small for gestational age) or up to a lower level, it can show the deficiency zine
perubahn behavior. Therefore, the need to pay attention to the nutritional status of the existing on-age children of school age
especially SDN N 2 Krinjing has experienced a catastrophic eruption of Mount Merapi in 2010 ago that after the accident
occurred nutritional status is there to say good nutritional status as it should be. SDN 2 Krinjing Magelang district needs
to do research after experiencing a catastrophic eruption of Mount Merapi in 2010 ago for school age range, especially into
nutritional status for the survival of both growth and development when it comes to survival. Knowing the nutritional status
by measuring BMI (Body Mass Index) in SDN 2 Krinjing Magelang Merapi disaster and Knowing the number of children
classified as more nutritional status and malnutrition by taking the measurements of BMI (Body Mass Index) in SDN 2
Krinjing Magelang Merapi disaster. So that the nutritional status of the SDN 2 Krinjing Magelang district in accordance
with the data presented in the results of the study showed undernutrition or underweight status and rightly need to be addressed,
which means before the happening things that are not desirable. Thus, BMI is one tool used in obtaining data on nutritional
status can be said to be appropriate for a person is his body balanced or normal is balanced between weight and height so that
the interconnections between them, and as a benchmark to become a benchmark in status nutrition.


Nutrient Status Body Mass Indeks and Post Disaster

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