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In the process of life, a person is required to perform life activities that do not deviate, so that as human being he/she can be
accepted by the social environment. Various methods and strategies have been strived to prevent LGBT as early as possible, like
determining personal identity through the fathers’ role in the children lives ,especially in the teachings of gender roles in the family
circle. In fact, there is currently crisis of supervision from parents that tend to ignore the development of gender understanding
within the children. Recognizing the problem of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) are importantly connected
with the development phase of early childhood because at the time children are very easy to absorb information from others
without being able to filter them. The role of a mother in a family environment to educate children would not be separated from
the role of a father as they both have different functions that complement each other. This paper aimed to give further perspective
of LGBT prevention by strengthening the role of father.
Article Details
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