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Adolescents encounter various changes, including biological, mental and social behaviors during the transition stage. Several developmental tasks also need to be fulfilled, although certain obstacles appear inevitable. Failure to overcome these challenges tends to adversely impact mental health, and as a result, multiple cases have been reported in the psychology unit of a major Kotagede Health Center in Yogyakarta. Also, stress have been described as a contributing factor, leading to physical pain or somatization, relationship conflicts with parents and friends, anxiety as well as depression. Therefore, it is necessary to initiate community-based preventive interventions. The results showed an increase in the knowledge of adolescents and parents after the psycho-education. Additionally, the teenagers obtained sufficient information about the developmental phase, importance of self-awareness and effective communication to appropriately assist peers facing related problems. Parents also tend to be increasingly conscious of their involvement in adolescent growth, and were more patient, empathetic, and non-judgmental. This awareness and comprehension also supported parents in fostering effective communication and encouraging openness with the children.


Adolescents Mental Health Effective communication Community

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