Published: Aug 31, 2021

Utilization of tourmaline stone as a fertilizer in medicinal plant verticulture

1318-1324 Minar Ferichani, Wiwit Rahayu, Refaúl Khairiyakh, Agustono Agustono, Umi Barokah

Utilization of herbal turmeric acid and acupressure techniques as an alternative therapy for dysmenorrheal disorders

1325-1333 Setiyo Budi Santoso, Nadya Eka Sukmawati, Viantika Meiliana Wulandari, Enggar Wahyu Mustikasari, Uswah Khasanah

Assistance in marriage legal consultation

1334-1341 Tinuk Dwi Cahyani

Socialization of family medicinal plants (TOGA) to maintain body resistance in North Pontianak District

1342-1347 Nurdianti Awaliyah, Mahwar Qurbaniah

The efforts to increase the attractiveness of Bingkon Kakao MSME products through redesign of chocolate bar packaging

1348-1354 Muhammad Muttaqien, Gisellya Noorrahma Shalihatan Nafza

Assistancing of posyandu cadres in monitoring the growth of infants aged 0-59 months

1355-1360 Christina Entoh, Sony Bernike Magdalena Sitorus, Nilda Yulita Siregar

Community service in order to strengthen the values of Pancasila

1361-1370 Hastangka Hastangka, K.R.A.P. Eri Ratmanto

Plastic diet: An effort to overcome the problem of plastic waste in Cipayung Village, Depok, West Java

1371-1375 Dyah Utari, Azizah Musliha Fitri, Fandita Tonyka Maharani

Kokoru paper craft training to improve students’ skills of SDN Cintalaksana 1 Karawang

1376-1387 Asyifa Lu’lu Qur’aeni, Syifaul Fuada, Heni Herlinawati

Assistance in reporting individual tax returns after the tax incentive policy in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic

1388-1394 Umi Nandiroh, Hariri Hariri

Assistance in the administration system of the Pelangi Waste Bank, Siak Regency

1395-1402 Alexsander Yandra, Khuriyatul Husna, Jeni Wardi

Diversification of processed foods made from grass jelly leaves at the Teger Farmers Group, Semarang

1403-1407 Erwin Nofiyanto, Sri Haryati, Sudjatinah Sudjatinah

Empowerment of the healthy living community movement (Germas) through training on making traditional beverages in Tonja Village, Denpasar

1408-1413 A.A.Ayu Arun Suwi Arianty, Putu Eka Wirawan, Luh Eka Susanti, I Nyoman Sudiarta, I Gusti Suka Arnawa

Utilization of the IoT-based early warning system (EWS) for early detection of floods in Setu District, South Tangerang City

1414-1419 Wahyu Sejati, Ning Adiasih, Tjhwa Endang Djuana

The dissemination of Mendeley application for citations and bibliographies

1420-1426 Cecep Kurnia Sastradipraja, Ira Murwenie, Khobir Abdul Karim, Hanhan Hanfiah Solihin, Adhitia Erfina, Falentino Sembiring

The use of Filmora and Youtube in creating learning video contents

1427-1430 Ny. Ayni Suwarni Herry, Perani Rosyani, Rinna Rachmatika, Kecitaan Harefa, Joko Priambodo

The sharing session "entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 pandemic" in overcoming economic crisis

1431-1442 Syifaul Fuada, Rizky Roland Jurdil

Improving the well-being of adolescents through community-based medical services at the public health centers

1443-1449 Eka Sartika, Siti Urbayatun

Adolescent mental health initiative

1450-1462 Siska Puspitasari, Faridah Ainur Rohmah

The promotion of Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal (ABA) Kalangan Kindergarten in Bantul, using outdoor advertising and digital media

1463-1469 Filosa Gita Sukmono, Fajar Junaedi, Aji Yudha Abdhilla

Enhancing the role of nurses in preventing problems experienced by vulnerable groups during the COVID-19 pandemic

1470-1476 Anung Ahadi Pradana, Susi Hartati, Lina Herida Pinem, Rohayati Rohayati

Providing support for the development of authentic assessment instruments for civic education teachers in Central Lampung Regency

1477-1488 Yunisca Nurmalisa, Muhammad Mona Adha, Rohman Rohman

The digitalization of marketing for egg-based livestock SMEs in Sumberagung Village

1489-1494 Silvi Rushanti Widodo, Imam Safi’i, Heribertus Budi Santoso, Sri Rahayuningsih, Lolyka Dewi Indrasari, Ana Komari, Afiff Yudha Tripariyanto

A training on the manufacture of abscisic acid hormone (ABA) plant growth inhibitors during the COVID-19 pandemic

1495-1503 Sri Cacik, Anggun Winata, Imas Cinta Mulya

The significance of online learning in enhancing information technology literacy for Lubuklinggau City Vocational High School teachers

1504-1511 Pramudita Budiastuti, Adhy Kurnia Triatmaja, Waznan Fauzi Oktavian, Esfan Sofyan

A training on the preparation of report card templates for Nurussa'adah Islamic Kindergarten, Panembahan Village, Cirebon Regency

1512-1518 Aan Kunaedi, Lela Sulastri, Tri Budi Prasetyo, Syaiful Latif Ishadi, Laika Zulfahnur Fajri, Anis Selawati, Citra Dhea Cantika

Millennials against hoaxes: COVID-19, misinformation and mitigation activities

1519-1526 Ahmad Nurefendi Fradana, Nyoman Suwarta, Akbar Wiguna

Increasing immunity during the COVID-19 pandemic by strengthening the effects of clean and healthy life behavior (PHBS) and vegetable eating movement (Germasur) education on Omah Berkah Orphanage Children, Grabag, Magelang Regency

1527-1533 Eka Sakti Wahyuningtyas, Kurniasani Nirmana, Lailatul Husni, Wening Ramadhanti, Ratna Raudhotul Jannah, Indah Nur Fatimah

A training on the development of processed tempeh products in the working area of Lima Puluh Health Center

1534-1544 Alkausyari Aziz, Hesti Atasasih