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Dental caries is a major problem in children's mouths that can be avoided if they are taught to take care of their teeth and gums from a young age. Elementary school age is ideal for instilling the habit of brushing teeth, and the school's role becomes increasingly important, one of which is the School Dental Health Centre (UKGS). The UKGS, on the other hand, has not been going well at four elementary schools in Karangtengah Village. As a result, a revitalization program for the UKGS is required. Counseling and toothbrushing movements, as well as dental and oral health checks, are all part of the UKGS revitalization program. The purpose of this program is to increase the knowledge of teachers and UKGS supervisors about UKGS and dental and oral health. This activity began with a pre-test followed by the presentation of UKGS revitalization material and ended with a post-test. This education is able to increase the knowledge of teachers and UKGS supervisors about UKGS and dental and oral health.


School dental health centre Elementary school teacher Counseling

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