Published: Feb 28, 2022

Increasing product competitiveness of Tempe Chips SMEs through digital marketing

178-182 Friztina Anisa, Decka Ari Rahmadhanty, Melati Kusumaning Tyas, Arumsari Okta Irmawati, Narindra Cahya Kusuma Ratri, Leni Islamiati

Empowerment of the Disaster Risk Reduction Forum (FPRB) through communication monitoring tools for cold lava floods in Sumber Village, Magelang Regency

183-189 Adhianty Nurjanah, Iswanto Iswanto, Nano Prawoto

Revitalization of school dental health centre for elementary school in Karangtengah Village, Baturraden, Banyumas

190-195 Amilia Ramadhani, Dwi Nur Indah Sari, Anindita Laksitasari, Ali Taqwim, Maulina Triani, Desi Rachmawati

Strengthening online learning of geometry material at SDN Bojong 01 using Geoboard and GeoGebra media

196-209 Syifaul Fuada, Tiara Derawati, Lilis Rohaeti

Technology dissemination for the home industry of Tahu Takwa Bintang Al Qomar to improve the efficiency of the soybean milling process

210-216 Mujahid Wahyu, Devina Rosa Hendarti, Ahmad Dony Mutiara Bahtiar

Mother's education about under-five nutrition as prevention of stunting and malnutrition

217-222 Lusia Henny Mariati, Yohana Jehani

Posyandu cadre training on stress management with five finger hypnosis for the elderly with hypertension problems

223-229 Ellia Ariesti, Mohammad Ali Sodikin, Febrina Secsaria Handini

Counseling to increase public awareness of mangrove forest conservation

230-237 Duryat Duryat, Rommy Qurniati, Heryandi Heryandi, Machya Kartika Tsani, Surnayanti Surnayanti, Dadi Anesa

Improving the ability of families and patients to prevent recurrence through health education

238-245 Muhammad Khoirul Amin, Sambodo Sriadi Pinilih

Utilization of virtual tours as a promotional strategy during the pandemic for Lembah Rembulan tourism

246-252 Dwi Intan Af'idah, Dairoh Dairoh, Ardi Susanto, Arief Rachman, Sharfina Febbi Handayani, Riszki Wijayatun Pratiwi

Psychological assistance of athletes from Pelatda PON XX athletics in Central Java in pandemic situation

253-260 Hermahayu Hermahayu

An index of student learning enthusiasm based on digital learning empowerment during the Covid-19 in Gondangmanis Village

261-271 Zulfikar Zulfikar, Amilia Zakiyatuz Zahro, Izzatul Abidah

Education of rabbit cultivators on the use of drug with the right dosage for preventing resistance

272-278 Penny Humaidah Hamid, Rini Widayati, Widagdo Sri Nugroho, Sigit Prastowo, Slamet Raharjo

Economic creativity development through training in organic fertilizer production

279-284 Endah Ratna Arumi, Muhammad Haidar, Muhammad Fauzi, Aldhysma Tresna Jati, Fajar Aulia Rahman, Iza Azizah Rizki Aulia

Multiplayer online game for distance learning for Integrated Islamic Kindergarten students of Khairunnisa

285-290 Susi Nurindahsari, Nurul Arifiah Gunarsih, Muhamad Zaim Zamzami, Syahrul Adi Mustofa, Irfan Triadi Saputra, Dwi Intan Af’idah

Socialization of green logistics on wire waste management as a commercial plate basket product

291-297 Lolyka Dewi Indrasari, Ana Komari, Afiff Yudha Tripariyanto, Jamilatus Sa'idah

Utilization of control technology for mushroom production houses using the internet of things (IoT) in SMEs Omah Jamur Ungaran

298-305 Nur Islahudin, Herwin Suprijono, Rindra Yusianto, Helmy Rahadian

Dissemination of soy milk processing machine technology and marketplaces to increase MSME productivity during the pandemic

306-312 Ellya Nurfarida, Nila Nurlina, Abidatul Izzah

Training on making patterned cloth with the shibori technique to improve the skills of the inmates of the Sukamiskin Kelas IIa Bandung women's prison

313-319 Tessa Eka Darmayanti

Improving the knowledge and skills of hemodialysis nurses about intradialytic exercise at Arifin Achmad Hospital, Riau

320-327 Erni Forwaty, Usraleli Usraleli, Nia Khusniyati

Branding of the Sangga Braja Community in soft marketing and cultural education in the new normal era

328-335 Shannaz Mutiara Deniar, Yeyen Pratika

Assistance in improving the welfare of foster grandmothers at the Tikung Health Center, Lamongan Regency

336-341 Lieliek Soetjiatie, Juliana Christyaningsih, Nur Hatijah

Empowerment of pioneer students of small ambassadors in health promotion at SD Negeri Karangroto 02 Semarang City

342-349 Nutrisia Nuim Haiya, Iwan Ardian, Intan Rismatul Azizah

Improving literacy competence for junior high school teachers

350-356 Brillianing Pratiwi, Arini Noor Izzati, Ratu Badriyah, Ulfa Mariana

Assistance Assistance in revitalizing the Water Park KTH Wana Tirta in Bunder Village, Gunungkidul Regency towards a child-friendly tourist park

357-364 Nur Rofiq, Kuswan Hadji, Rr. Yunita Puspandari, Tri Agus Gunawan, Satrio Ageng Rihardi

Training on making complementary foods from local mixed foods among mothers and cadres of Posyandu Cikulur

365-371 Muhammad Ikhsan Amar, Nanang Nasrullah, Retno Dyah Kusumastuti

Optimization of "#infovaksin" covid-19 as an effort to increase coverage of basic immunization for toddlers during the pandemic

372-379 Widya Ratna Wulan, Evina Widianawati, Ika Pantiwati, Edi Jaya Kusuma

Raising job seekers’ awareness on non-verbal self-branding in job interview

380-384 Muhamad Nova, Luh Eka Susanti

Dissemination of government policies regarding micro community activity restrictions to control the rate of Covid-19

385-392 L.M. Azhar Sa'ban, Farid Yusuf Nur Achmad, Muh. Askal Basir, Andi Reni, Siti Sarah, Abdan Syakur

Empowerment of PKK mothers through entrepreneurial skills education training

393-399 Nastia Nastia, Herman Lawelai, Hasimin Hasimin, Darni Darni