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Complementary foods for breast milk (MP-ASI) are needed as additional food if breast milk intake does not meet the needs of toddlers. So far, the practice of giving MP-ASI is often ignored, especially in terms of nutrient density. This is due to the lack of knowledge and skills of mothers and posyandu cadres in making nutrient-dense MP-ASI. The purpose of this program is to increase the knowledge of mothers and posyandu cadres about the manufacture of MP-ASI made from nutrient-dense local ingredients. The method used is training with video tutorials on making MP-ASI made from local ingredients and educational videos related to MP-ASI. This program provides significant benefits because there is an increase in knowledge after participating in the training (97.74% > 68.11%), both in the aspect of making MP-ASI made from local ingredients and processing quality MP-ASI, especially from mixed food ingredients (BMC). Other than that, the activity provides a sustainable impact in order to meet the nutritional needs of toddlers


Complementary feeding of breast milk Mother toddler Posyandu cadres Local ingredients

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