Reviewer Board
The editor would like to thank reviewers who have contributed to improving the quality of articles in Komtika. They are:
Jurnal Komtika (Komputasi dan Informatika) is a scientific journal published by the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang. This journal is issued twice a year (May and November) and it is a media for researchers, academics, and practitioners who are interested in the field of Computer Science and wish to channel their thoughts and findings. The articles contained are the results of research, critical, and comprehensive scientific study which are relevant and current issues covered by the journals. Editors invite researchers, practitioners, and students to write scientific developments in fields related to computer science and information. Jurnal Komtika (Komputasi dan Informatika) is Accredited by the Ministry for Research, Technology, and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI)(No:200/M/KPT/2020).
The editor would like to thank reviewers who have contributed to improving the quality of articles in Komtika. They are: