Journal Description

Journal title : Borobudur Journal on Legal Services
Abbreviation : BJLS
ISSN : 2747-1829
DOI Prefix : 10.31603/bjls by 
Frequency : Biannually
Type of peer-review: Single-blind
Indexing : Google Scholar
National Grade : -
Journal History : See Journal history  
Editors : See Editorial Team 

Borobudur Journal on Legal Services Achieves Rank 5 SINTA Accreditation by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology

May 27, 2024

We are pleased to announce that the Borobudur Journal on Legal Services has achieved Rank 5 accreditation by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. This significant recognition is officially conferred through the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Number 72/E/KPT/2024.

Genius Journal has been accredited by Sinta 5 | Genius Journal
We warmly invite authors to submit their manuscripts to our journal, contributing to the ongoing development and dissemination of Legal Services, Community Engagement of Legal Sector, Legal Aid, and Advocacy. Your work will join a distinguished collection of papers that influence and advance the field of legal services.

Editor in Chief


Vol 5 No 1 (2024): Vol 5 No 1 (2024)

Published: Jul 16, 2024

Optimalisasi Ekonomi Desa Majaksingi dengan Meningkatkan Produktivitas dan Nilai Tambah Kopi Melalui Argobisnis dan Pariwisata

1-9 Muhammad Prasetyo Wicaksono, Agil Yahya, Teddy Prayoga, Aidilia Fitrista Utamita, Tri Widyawati, Dilli Trisna Noviasari

Sosialisasi Legalitas Usaha dan Pelatihan Desain Grafis untuk Perlindungan Hukum Hasil Produk UMKM di Desa Jamuskauman

10-14 Dilli Trisna Noviasari, Bambang Tjatur Iswanto, Suharso Suharso, Habib Muhsin Syafingi, Puji Sulistyaningsih, Dyah Adriantini Sintha Dewi, Muchamad Faris Fauzi, Anggita Leo Ervandy, Rafly Ferraldinand S, Augusto Cristovao A.P, Arif Resananda

Penyuluhan Hukum Tentang Penyelesaian Sengketa Hak Kepemilikan atas Tanah di Desa Kepanjen, Klaten

15-21 Diana Setiawati, Lisa Ristiana, Berliana Kinanthi Mukti, Karelina a Widya Margaretha, Rifanov Adriansyah Pradipta, Billie Dick Tjandra, Rima Althea Rinanda, Fatimah Ainanur Faizah, Selvi Mur Febianti, Charlintang Zahra Difa Setyawan, Salma Yanita, Nurani Eka Saputri, Muhammad Nur Fadilah Syahraya

Pendampingan Pembuatan Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB) Pelaku Usaha Mikro Dan Kecil (UMK) Perseorangan Kelurahan Bulak, Kota Surabaya

22-27 Luluk Latifah; Fatkur Huda, Dede Nasrullah

Penguatan Kesehatan Mental Dengan Regulasi Emosi dan Pemahaman Akan Solusi Hukum Hubungan Kerja di Luar Negara

28-34 Fuadah Fakhruddiana, Wita Setyaningrum, Muhammad Nur Syuhada

Sosialisasi Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Melalui UMKM Guna Mendorong Kemandirian Finansial dan Kesetaraan Perempuan Desa Tanggung

35-39 Sheila Kusuma, Aisynie Aulia Putri Umami, Bagas Bahtiarachim, Jasmine Aulia Jaisy Salsabillah, Muhammad Hafidh Yoesrizal, Sandrina Hanum Evaliana
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