Published: May 31, 2021

Training on the use of google classrooms and google forms for elementary school teachers in Singgahan District, Tuban

688-693 Wendri Wiratsiwi, Saeful Mizan

Strategies for strengthening SME resilience during the covid-19 pandemic through banana processed product innovations

694-700 Kholida Atiyatul Maula, Isro'iyatul Mubarokah, Ani Nurdiani Azizah

Efforts to increase knowledge of mother toddlers about complementary foods to breastfeeding in Mapane Village, Poso, Indonesia

701-706 Ida Nuraidah, Fransisca Noya, Nilda Yulita Siregar, Sony Bernike Magdalena Sitorus, Christina Entoh

Assistance of human development cadres in making proposals for convergence prevention of stunting activities

707-712 Kadar Ramadhan, Fransisca Noya, Aminuddin Aminuddin, Setiawan Setiawan

Efforts to Improve Product Competitiveness of Baso Aci Tata Snack in Kediri, East Java through Re-Packaging

713-720 Lolyka Dewi Indrasari, Ana Komari, Afif Yudha Tripariyanto, Sri Rahayuningsih, Heribertus Budi Santosa

Appropriate technology for processing of plantation products for the mekar association of the bugis transmigrant tribe in Pal Village IX

721-726 Rochmawati Rochmawati, Waspodo Waspodo, Helman Fachri, Selviana Selviana, Linda Suwarni

Implementation of murottal and mujawwad rhythm to improve children's skills in reading al-Qur’an

727-731 Rahmat Solihin, Muhammad Iqbal, Muhammad Tamsil Muin

Creating a healthy Wirobrajan community from an early age through psychoeducation and early detection of people with mental disorders

732-739 Moh Aminullah, Nurul Hidayah, Jefri Reza Phalevi

Pursed lips breathing education for asthma patients in Kebonsari Village, Pekalongan Regency, Indonesia

740-743 Dian Kartikasari, Trina Kurniawati, Firman Faradisi

Learning assistance and growing a clean and healthy lifestyle for elementary school students in Nusupan, Salaman, Magelang, Indonesia

744-749 Sukma Wijayanto, Adil Latal Khusna, Yayuk Indriastuti, Nur Ifany Choirun Nisa’, Anisatul Khusniah, Refri Rais Sadewa

Efforts to increase literacy at the parangtambung lorong library in Makassar, Indonesia

750-754 Andi Muhammad Irwan, Sapriyadi Sapriyadi, Paramita R

Elderly empowerment with evidence-based depression problems using an android application

755-761 Junaiti Sahar, Henny Permatasari, Anung Ahadi Pradana, Ummi Malikal Balqis

Utilization training of rice husk waste as alternative energy in Baros District, Serang, Indonesia

762-768 Nur Cholis, M. Arifudin Lukmana, Fahrudin Fahrudin, Donny Montreano

Occupational for elementary students to raise safety and health awareness at schools and homes

769-774 Fandita Tonyka Maharani, Dyah Utari

Dhuafa empowerment through oxytocin massage in the PCM area of East Pontianak

775-782 Otik Widyastutik, Zulfa Aliska Putri

Empowerment of hypertension care communities as efforts to control hypertension in Mojosongo, Surakarta City

783-787 Ros Endah Happy Patriyani, Yeni Tutu Rohimah, Sunarsih Rahayu

Classroom reading program to increase children's reading interest at the Emha Ainun Najib (EAN) Yogyakarta library

788-795 Fitriah M. Suud, Muhammad Azhar, Mariah Kibtiyah

Counseling of balanced ration arrangement for fattening cows in Marga Agung Village, South Lampung

796-801 Fitria Tsani Farda, Farida Fathul, Erwanto Erwanto, Etha Azizah Hasiib

Simple website development training as an effort to improve students' hard skills at SMK Negeri 3 Tegal

802-807 Dairoh Dairoh, Slamet Wiyono, Ratono Ratono

Appropriate technology dissemination to increase cassava chips production capacity

808-814 Muhammad Imron Rosyidi, Bagas Rasyid Wicaksono, Mughni Rizqi Ramadhani, Gilang Adhi Priambudi Pratama, Zahra Yasmin Dinda M, Muhammad Rozaqna M

Training on making learning videos using OBS studio

815-821 Dani Rizana, Miftahul Huda

Clean and healthy living culture education to protect the students from Covid-19 in senior high school of Muhammadiyah II, Beji, Depok

822-827 Sri Isti Untari, Rahma Nur Praptiwi, Iftita Rahmi, Tika Dwi Ariyanti

Halal assurance system training and its implementation with the Muhammadiyah halal pledge

828-832 Nurkhasanah Mahfudh, Retty Ikawati, Nina Salamah, Mustofa Ahda

Computer based problem compilation training using wondershare quiz creator for junior high school teachers

833-842 Farman Farman, Sarimuddin Sarimuddin, Chairuddin Chairuddin, Fitriyani Hali

Training and assistance in making village profiles as a branding facility for Pujon Kidul tourism village

843-848 Dedik Fitra Suhermanto, Mochamad Aan Sugiharto, Syasya Yuania Fadila Mas’udi

Eco-friendly packaging training for women farmers group to support digital marketing in Tawangargo Village, Malang Regency

849-855 Rahayu Relawati, Bambang Yudi Ariadi, Anas Tain

Capacity building and organizational development of kindergarten and playgroups principals in Gresik District

856-863 Asri Rejeki, Ima Fitri Sholichah

Empowerment of women as head of poor family through the P2WKSS program in Bekasi City

864-876 Khaerul Umam Noer

Quick count training for junior high school teachers in Gayo Lues District

877-884 Roni Priyanda, Rizki Amalia, Muhammad Zaki, Fadilah Fadilah, Nishbah Fadhelina, Iden Rainal Ihsan

Empowerment of family welfare empowerment groups through the pagupita garbage bank in Tampingan, Magelang Regency

885-890 Marlina Kurnia, Armyana Wahyu Nur Febrian, Dewi Paramita Sari, Azalia Azalia, Susi Puspa Sari, Ayesha Sekar Damayanti