Es Caisin Rasa Buah Varian Baru Bubble Gum sebagai Peluang Usaha Kompetitif dan Edukatif

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Children are given the most beautiful god's gift. Parents should always explore and grow children, one about nutrition in children. If nutrition is fulfilled then the child will be healthy. One of the most important nutrients is the consumption of vegetables. In children today do not like vegetables, they prefer a practical diet. Although consuming vegetables needed by the body. Vegetables of its kind are very caisin, one of them is caisin. Caisin is very good for health, especially for children. To anticipate that children prefer vegetables, we have to process vegetables into new foods that contain nutrients that are still awake. One of the innovations is the fruit caisin ice. It is expected that with the new process the child can be fulfilled nutrition and will process the vegetables. Aside from being an alternative food for children, the processed caisin ice from caisin leaves also has a high value that can be developed into a profitable business in the future.



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