Published: Sep 30, 2022

Training of management and establishment of sharia cooperatives (Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil) at Aisyiyah Percut Sei Tuan

1459-1464 Isra Hayati, Syahrul Amsari, Mutiah Khaira Sihotang, Ahmad Afandi

Enhancing community knowledge about the role of social capital on elderly’s well-being

1465-1471 Anung Ahadi Pradana, Renta Sianturi, Rohayati Rohayati

Promoting a healthy and smart living community in rational use of medicine at RW 05 Kebun Jeruk, West Jakarta

1472-1482 Ratih Dyah Pertiwi, Anisa Uswatun Khasanah, Yolanda Yolanda, Novi Andriani, Teti Maharani, Tasya Nurmila Devi, Dwi Evi Indriani, Wahyu Darmawan, Dewi Puji Astuti

Portable biogas as alternative energy by utilizing durian peel

1483-1487 Andi Widiyanto, Wahyu Aji Suryantoro, Febri Aris Prasetyo, Hanif Farkhan Naufal, Achmad Rizal Maslikhan, Dimas Istiyadi

Basic GIS training for upgrading local government spatial planning

1488-1493 Muhammad Izzudin, Stevanus Nalendra Jati, Wijaya Mardiansyah, Januar Eko Aryansah, Ferdiansyah R

Training of modern circumsision with super ring method on circumcision practices in Banjar District, South Kalimantan

1494-1499 Irfan Maulana, Ida Yuliana, Heryyanoor Heryyanoor, M. Noor Ifansyah, Andri Suwarno, Lutfi Aulia Rahman, Nanang Saputro Agung

Rationalization of drug use with DAGUSIBU: Strengthening understanding for TP-PKK

1500-1508 Sabtanti Harimurti, Andy Eko Wibowo, Pinasti Utami, Nurul Maziyyah, Zelmi Dwi Novita, Astri Fatmah, Tyas Fabandari Dewi Hapsari, Andi Regita Pasha

Strengthening the capacity of Sumber Waras Posyandu cadres in stunting prevention

1509-1517 Parwoto Parwoto, Sri Handari Wahyuningsih, Bambang Edi Susyanto

Production of organic manure fertilizer in Padukuhan Donoasih, Sleman

1518-1524 Lis Noer Aini, Tri Hartanto, Eko Hanudin, Yuanita Yuanita

Education on how to brush teeth with animated videos for student of TPA Al-Barokah

1525-1529 Nyka Dwi Febria, Multia Ranum Sari, Dian Yosi Arinawati, Pipiet Okti

Basic English conversation training for tourism actors on Untung Jawa Island

1530-1537 Yanti Yanti, Christine Manara

Online marketing assistance with e-commerce at UKM Athaya Kitchen Semarang

1538-1542 Rizky Muliani Dwi Ujianti, Iffah Muflihati, Noora Qotrun Nada

Nutrition education through provision of additional local food for pregnant women and toddlers in Kalisat District, Jember Regency

1543-1554 Erlyna Jayeng Wijayanti, Juliana Christyaningsih, Umul Annisa Fadhila, Ainur Rifda Kurnia Puspita Sari

Improving oral health knowledge for little dentists at elementary school level in Kartasura District

1555-1561 Dendy Murdiyanto, Ariyani Faizah, Nilasary Rochmanita Suparno, Septriyani Kaswindiarti, Juwita Raditya Ningsih, Dwi Kurniawati

Improving the skills of the residents of the Abadi Megah Regency Jombang in microgreens cultivation techniques as an effort to improve family food security

1562-1567 Dyah Ayu Sri Hartanti, Yessita Puspaningrum, Anggi Indah Yuliana

Empowerment of Alam Kalijaga reading house to improve literacy culture of the Nasri Hamlet, Grabag, Magelang

1568-1572 Norma Dewi Shalikhah, Yubadmudo Pandu Argandika, Tito Gunawan, Muhammad Reza Ichsanto, Pramudita Putri Anjani, Isti Nur Octaviani

DAGUSIBU socialization at the Al–Ichsan Orphans and Dhuafa Foundation

1573-1578 Renny Amelia, Rinto Susilo, Yayan Rizkiyan, Ibnu Mas’ud, Arista Maulana, Hana Syifaun Nufus, Fathiyah Putri Alifia

Development of e-commerce applications to increase sales turnover of agricultural products for Ibnu Al Mubarok Islamic Boarding School Pekanbaru

1579-1584 Guntoro Guntoro, Lisnawita Lisnawita, Anto Ariyanto

Application of regional development science and technology in Petiga Village, Tabanan

1585-1590 I Wayan Eka Mahendra, I Made Darsana, I Gede Nyoman Suta Waisnawa, I Made Citra Wibawa, N Putri Sumaryani

Socio-economic empowerment of the Tengkurak Village society through education assistance and social media-based digital marketing training

1591-1594 Rudhy Ho Purabaya, Kraugusteeliana Kraugusteeliana, Artika Arista

Health education by ergonomic position coaching for back pain prevention in banana chips MSME’s workers

1594-1601 Nourmayansa Vidya Anggraini, Serri Hutahaean

Utilization of smartphones in making learning videos for teachers of ABA Kindergarten Sidoharjo

1602-1608 Muhammad Muttaqien, I Wayan Nain Febri

Efforts to deal with the adolescent emotional mental problem during Covid-19 pandemic in Pantangolemba

1609-1613 Christina Entoh, Fransisca Noya, Kadar Ramadhan

Community empowerment through biofloc catfish fishery with photovoltaic electrical energy in Sutojayan Village, Malang

1614-1621 Hery Budiyanto, Aries Boedi Setiawan, Pindo Tutuko

Optimizing health protocols in learning through disaster education

1622-1625 Setiyawan Setiyawan, Wahyu Rima Agustin, Erinda Nur Pratiwi

The implementation of permaculture design as a solution to achieve the food security in sub-optimal areas of Pangandaran Regency

1626-1632 Nasrudin Nasrudin, Firgian Ardigurnita, Kusuma Agdhi Rahwana, Saeful Iman

Implementation of two-function fish pellet machine for empowerment of fish cultivator group Gelondoro Sidoarjo

1633-1638 Izza Anshory, A’rasy Fahruddin, Lukman Hudi

Developing digital platform to increase the sales of MSME in Kalakijo, Bantul, Yogyakarta

1639-1645 Rela Adi Himarosa, Muhammad Budi Nur Rahman, Rizky Nuryani, Fajar Sofyantoro