Principal Editor

Prof. Dr. Ir. Muji Setiyo, MT. 
Dept. of Automotive Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Indonesia
Academic profile:       
Expertise: Alternative fuel; Refrigeration; Automotive engineering; Energy conversion

 Associate Editor

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Budi Waluyo, MT.
Dept. of Automotive Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Indonesia
Academic profile:      
Expertise: Automobile engineering; Fuels; Combustion analysis; Vehicle testing.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Thomas Kivevele
Dept. of Sustainable Energy Science and Engineering, The Nelson Mandela AIST, Tanzania
Academic profile:      
Expertise: Bio-energy; Alternative fuels; Solar energy; HVAC.

Assoc. Prof. Hamit Solmaz, Ph.D
Dept. of Automotive Engineering, Gazi University, Turkey
Academic profile:      
Expertise: Renewable energy technologies; Internal combustion engines; Low-temperature combustion (HCCI, RCCI, etc.); Engine dynamics; Stirling engines. 

 Editor Board Member

Prof. Talal Yusaf, Ph.D.
Faculty of Engineering and Surveying, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Academic profile:     
Expertise: Alternative fuels, Combustion, Combustion Technology, Energy & fuels.

Prof. Ir. Djoko Wahyu Karmiadji, MSME, Ph.D.
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Pancasila, Indonesia
Academic profile:     
Expertise: Mechanical engineering; Automobile engineering, Numerical method.

Ilker Turgut Yilmaz, Ph.D.
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Marmara Üniversitesi, Turkey
Academic profile:      
Expertise: Renewable energy; Thermodynamics; Automobile engineering; Energy conversion; Combustion analysis; Vehicle testing; Emission.

Assoc. Prof. Taib Iskandar Mohamad, Ph.D.
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Yanbu Industrial College, Saudi Arabia
Academic profile:      
Expertise: Natural gas engine; Internal combustion engines; Direct injection fuel; Fuels; Solar energy engineering.

Prof. Wael I. A. Aly, Ph.D.
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Helwan University, Egypt
Academic profile:      
Expertise: Air Conditioning; CFD simulation; Energy engineering; Heat transfer; HVAC Engineering; Refrigeration; Thermal engineering; Thermodynamics.

Prof. Eng. Dr. Noreffendy Tamaldin
Dept. of Automotive Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia
Academic profile:      
Expertise: Engine performance; Emission; Tribology; Engine instrumentation; HHO; Engine testing; Vehicle safety.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ir. Berkah Fajar T. K.
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Academic profile:      
Expertise: Fluid mechanics; Design engineering; Engineering thermodynamics; HVAC; Environment-friendly refrigerants.

Prof. Dr. Willyanto Anggono, ST., M.Sc.
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Petra Christian University, Indonesia
Academic profile:    
Expertise: Mechanical engineering; Automotive Engineering; Sustainable energy; Combustion,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Nurkholis Hamidi, ST., M.Eng.
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
Academic profile:    
Expertise: Energy; Biomass to fuel conversion; Carbon dioxide; Refrigeration; Biodiesel; Bioenergy.

Prof. Januar Parlaungan Siregar, Ph.D.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
Academic profile:      
Expertise: Material characterization; Polymeric materials; Composites; Materials engineering; Corrosion; Biodegradable polymers; Thermogravimetric analysis; Polymer composites; Fiber; Natural fibers; Tensile test; Biocomposites.

Dr. Marcin Noga 
Institute of Automobiles and Internal Combustion Engines, Cracow University of Technology, Poland
Academic profile:      
Expertise: Internal combustion engines; Mechatronics; Engine control; Motor vehicles; Hybrid drive; Electric drive

Andrew Gryguc, Ph.D.
Dept. of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada
Academic profile:      
Expertise: Mechanical engineering; Automotive engineering; Magnesium; Fatigue; Material modeling.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasan Köten
Mechanical Engineering Department, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Turkey
Academic profile:     
Expertise: Electronic Engineering; Aerospace Engineering; Automotive Engineering. 

Dr. Indra Chandra Setiawan, MT
PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia
Dept. Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Pancasila Jakarta, Indonesia
Academic profile:    
Expertise: Energy Policy, Electric Vehicles, Automotive System. 

 Ethics Advisory Board (Legal Expert in IPR)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum.
Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia
Academic profile:    
Expertise: Intelectual Property Right; Law and Legal Studies

Chrisna Bagus Edhita Praja, SH, MH.
Faculty of Law, Universitas Muhamadiyah Magelang, Indonesia
Academic profile:      
Expertise: Intelectual Property Right; Law and Legal Studies; Legal Theory; Competition Law 

 Partner Proofreading Service


 Editorial Office

Automotive Laboratory Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Jl. Bambang Soegeng KM. 4 Mertoyudan Magelang, Telp/Faks : (0293) 326945