The effect of ignition timing on engine performance in a laser ignition engine: A CFD study

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Turan Alp Arslan
Hüseyin Bayrakçeken
Ahmet Altuncu
Emin Çengelci
Hamit Solmaz


As a result of the high-power output, low fuel consumption, and low emissions expected from internal combustion engines, new engine technologies continue to be developed. Laser ignition systems are a solution to these expectations with the advantages they offer. Experimental and numerical studies related to laser ignition systems are accelerating today. In this study, an internal combustion engine was simulated with the spark and laser ignition systems, and the changes in engine performance for different ignition timings were investigated comparatively. ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1 software was used in the dynamic CFD study in which the entire engine cycle was analysed. Analyses were carried out at constant engine speed with an iso-octane+air mixture. Critical parameters such as pressure, volume, and temperature changes, power, torque, IMEP, MPRR, peak pressure, HRR, CHRR, start of combustion, and combustion duration were evaluated for both ignition systems. As a result of the study, optimum performance values were obtained at 680 °CA ignition timing with laser ignition system. At this ignition timing, power, torque, IMEP, MPRR, and peak pressure values were determined as 16.4302 kW, 62.7635 Nm, 14.1743 bar, 2.4665 bar/°CA, and 61.5611 bar, respectively. The laser ignition system increased engine performance, and smoother and knock-free combustion occurred. At optimum ignition timing, combustion duration was shortened, and in-cylinder temperatures decreased. The findings show that the laser ignition system will contribute to engine development studies by positively affecting engine and combustion performance.


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