Source: Scopus
Export Date: August 27, 2023

98 articles in the Scopus database cite selected 24 articles in MESI

SRCTITLE ( "mechanical engineering for society and industry" OR "mech. eng. soc. ind." OR "Mech. Eng. Soc. Indus.") 

Source title (38):

  1. Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering | Elsevier BV|Q1
  2. Ain Shams Engineering Journal | Elsevier | Q1
  3. AIP Conference Proceedings | American Institute of Physics
  4. Applied Sciences Switzerland | MDPI | Q2
  5. Automotive Experiences |Unimma | Q2
  6. Biomass and Bioenergy |Elsevier Ltd | Q1
  7. British Journal of Community Nursing |MA Healthcare Ltd | Q3
  8. British Journal of Nursing |MA Healthcare Ltd | Q3
  9. Case Studies in Construction Materials |Elsevier BV | Q1
  10. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering |Elsevier BV | Q1
  11. Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly |ACES | Q3
  12. Computational Intelligence in Sustainable Reliability Engineering | Wiley
  13. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures | S.C. Virtual Company of Physics S.R.L | Q4
  14. ECS Transactions |Electrochemical Society, Inc.Q4
  15. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry |NIDOCQ3
  16. Electronics Switzerland |MDPIQ2
  17. Energies |MDPIQ1
  18. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence| Elsevier Ltd.Q1
  19. Fuel | Elsevier BV|Q1
  20. Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology |UPIQ1
  21. Industrial Robot |Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Q2
  22. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering |Universiti Malaysia PahangQ3
  23. International Journal of Renewable Energy Development |CBIOREQ3
  24. International Journal of Robotics and Control Systems | view journal
  25. International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering and Information Technology | INSIGHT | Q3
  26. Journal of Composites Science |MDPI AGQ2
  27. Journal of Mechanical Engineering |Universiti Teknologi MARAQ4
  28. Materials |MDPI AGQ2
  29. Materials Today Proceedings |Elsevier Ltd.|Q2
  30. Microporous And Mesoporous Materials |ElsevierQ1
  31. Molecules | MDPI | Q1
  32. Nanomaterials | MDPI | Q1
  33. Process Safety And Environmental Protection |Institution of Chemical EngineersQ1
  34. Results In Engineering | Elsevier BV|Q2
  35. Sensors |MDPIQ1
  36. Sustainable Materials and Technologies | Elsevier | Q1
  37. Symmetry |MDPIQ2
  38. Thermal Science And Engineering Progress |Elsevier Ltd.Q1

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