Journal Description

Publisher: Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
DOI prefix: 10.31603/ce
p-ISSN: 2614-4964
e-ISSN: 2621-4024
Editor in Chief: Zulfikar Bagus Pambuko
Citation Analysis: Google Scholar
Focus: See aim & scopes


Authors benefit:

  • Open Access—free for readers, with affordable article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.
  • Rapid publication—start from January 2021, Community Empowerment moved to a monthly publication model (12 issues per year).
  • Double Galleys—author has the option of publishing in pdf + video format, see sample.
  • Multi sections—author has the option of publishing article, technical note, and Islamic da'wah material.

How to prepare a community service article? Check out the following video ... 

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Dear authors, Our editors will not respond to author requests to "order publication" on certain volumes and issues, we process all submissions according to the peer-review process.

Vol 9 No 6 (2024)

Published: Jun 30, 2024

Digital marketing training to increase the marketing of MSME products in the Banua Anyar Village

Muhammad Rezky Noor Handy, Syaharuddin Syaharuddin, Ismi Rajiani, Muhammad Adhitya Hidayat Putra, Risna Putra Pradana, Resty Nurqomah

Kebaron Village community empowerment through edutourism innovation

Niko Fediyanto, Indah Apriliana Sari Wulandari, Ida Agustini Saidi

Empowering economic independence: POKDAKAN modernization and market integration in Tanjung Rhu Village, Pekanbaru City

Ulfia Hasanah, Evi Deliana, Indra Lesmana, Selly Prima Desweni, Samariadi Samariadi, Afriani Nazara, Annisa Dwi Chandra, Dara Aiko Damantha, Dwi Liana Rahmayuni, Ika Sulistya Ningrum, M Prima, Prasiswi Ningsih, R Sadiah Maharani, Vito Oktariandi MK, Yulisa Rika Sari

Educating Banten's culinary MSMEs on the value of nutritional information and halal labeling

Nita Rusdiana, Fitria Budi Utami, Niluh Sekar Negari, Nirmala Sulthon S. Putri, Novia Ramadhinta, Nudrika Arwani Pasaribu

Empowering youth organizations to revitalize Kampung Dolanan and enhance community well-being post-COVID-19

Ariq Fikria Niagasi, Rafli Aditya Kristianto, Sierly Fransiska, Oktavia Damayanti, Rahma Inka Yovani, Siti Zidzuna Ilma Tiyana

Raising environmental awareness through community-based efforts to clean and preserve the Karang Mumus river, Samarinda City

Intan Kinanthi Damarin Tyas, Devy Indah Paramitha, Jeane Betty Kurnia Jusuf

Efforts to enhance the awareness in significance of early detection for dental and oral diseases in the society 5.0

Arya Adiningrat, Wustha Farani, Mohammad Fadyl Yunizar

Reference management training to improve the quality of scientific publications for vocational high school teachers

Rahayu Relawati, Bambang Yudi Ariadi, Gumoyo Mumpuni Ningsih

Outreach initiatives to motivate Saparua residents in preserving the Perahu Belang heritage

Tri Ratna Purnamarini, Dody Wiranto

Optimizing yard space for independent food security in Kebonbatur Village

Slamet Budirahardjo, Setyoningsih Wibowo
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