Journal Description

Jurnal Komtika (Komputasi dan Informatika)
Publisher :Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
DOI prefix :10.31603/komtika by
p-ISSN :2580-2852
e-ISSN :2580-734X
Frequency :Twice a year (May & November)
Editor in Chief :Maimunah  Logo email png » PNG Image
Managing Editor :Pristi Sukmasetya  Logo email png » PNG Image
Indexing :Click here
Citation Analysis:Google Scholar
Scope :Click here

Welcome to the Open Journal System of Jurnal Komtika (Komputasi dan Informatika) - We are pleased to inform you, KOMTIKA is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles through fair quality control. We understand that authors need a facility for their papers and readers to expect reliable information from this journal. Therefore, our editorial team and reviewers strive to maintain the quality and ethics in the authorship and publishing of all articles. In principle, we manage to provide the best service for the informatics research community. To assure punctuality, we openly display editorial data in journal statistics and periodically record publishing achievements in journal history so that you can participate in monitoring our process. We would like to accommodate and respond to any questions you have about the direction and content of KOMTIKA. We hope that this journal will become a source of insight and new inspiration for further research.

Vol 8 No 2 (2024)

Published: Nov 29, 2024

Implementasi Model Convolutional Neural Network dalam Aplikasi Android untuk Identifikasi Limbah Infeksius

113-124 Affix Mareta, Beta Estri Adiana, Olivia Wardhani, Ikhwan Alfath Nurul Fathony

Klasifikasi Sentimen Terhadap Kebijakan Tapera Menggunakan Komparasi Machine Learning dan SMOTE

125-135 Henny Leidiyana, Titik Misriati, Riska Aryanti

Aplikasi Mobile Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Level Stunting Anak dengan Metode Fuzzy Sugeno

136-147 Herlan Sutisna, Miftah Farid Adiwisastra

Klasifikasi Karakteristik Turnover Karyawan Menggunakan Algoritma C4.5

148-161 Rany Andini, Dinna Yunika Hardiyanti

Evaluasi Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi pada Puskesmas Sukarami Menggunaka Framework Cobit 5 Domain Evaluate, Direct, and Monitor (EDM)

162-170 Titah Titah, Tata Sutabri

Penerapan Prinsip Desain Antarmuka dalam Evaluasi User Interface dan User Experience E-Learning

171-181 Muhammad Ikhsan Fathurrahman, Sumarsono Sumarsono

Pengembangan E-Learning Universitas X Menggunakan Gamifikasi dan Analisa Sentimen

182-189 Mochammad Arief Hermawan Sutoyo, Renaldi Yulvianda, Chindra Saputra

Sistem Pakar Identifikasi Masalah Kulit Wajah Menggunakan Metode Case Based Reasoning

190-199 Zahrotul Mustafidah, Annisaa Utami
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