Muji Setiyo
Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Indonesia Indonesia
[email protected]
Academic profile:
Automobile engineering, Alternative fuel, Refrigeration, Fuel system, HVAC
Brief CV
Muji Setiyo is a professor in automotive engineering at the Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang (Unimma). He obtained a Bachelor's degree from the Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (2009), a Master of Engineering from Pancasila University (2012), and obtained a Doctoral Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Brawijaya University (2017), all in the field of Mechanical Engineering. His research interests are in the automotive field, especially alternative fuels, refrigeration, and HVAC. He has obtained national competitive research grants, including the National Innovation System Incentive - INSINAS (2013-2015), Beginner Lecturer Research - PDP (2014, 2015), Doctoral Dissertation Research - PDD (2016), Basic Research for Higher Education Excellence - PDUPT (2018 -2021), Leading Higher Education Applied Research - PDUPT (2018-2020), National Competitive Research (2021), and World Class Research - WCR (2021) (see detail in Sinta). Apart from being the Editor-in-Chief of this journal, he is also actively involved as Principal Editor at Automotive Experiences. Experience as a reviewer in several reputable journals can also be tracked on his Publons page. Currently, he is the head of the Institute for Research and Community Service at Unimma. In addition, he is also a member of the publication division of the LPPM-PTMA and APSTM-PTMA Consortiums and a patent drafter at Unimma.
Member of Association
- Association of Indonesian Vocational Educators (AIVE)
- International Association of Engineer (IAEng)
- Hong Kong Society of Mechanical Engineers (HKSME)
- Masyarakat Energi Terbarukan Indonesia (METI)
- Asosiasi Praktisi Pendingin dan Tata Udara Indonesia (APITU)
- The Institution of Engineer Indonesia (PII)
- Alat Penyambung Nepel Tabung Gas, IDP000049889
- Alat Pencampur Gas Untuk Kendaraan Berbahan Bakar Gas, IDP000049563
- Alat Pencampur Gas Dengan Venturi Sekunder Untuk Kendaraan Berbahan Bakar Gas, IDS000001799
- Alat Pengaturan Waktu Pengapian Pada Kendaraan Berbahan Ganda, IDS000001810
- Alat refrigerasi dari proses evaporasi LPG pada kendaraan berbahan bakar LPG, IDS000001811
- Alat bongkar pasang shock absorber sepeda motor, IDS000002350
- Metode Untuk Memanen Efek Pendinginan Pada Kendaraan Berbahan Bakar LPG, P00201709446
- Alat Untuk Melepas Mangkuk Komstir Sepeda Motor, SID201902131
- Mesin Penetas Telur Dengan Pemutar Telur Semi Otomatis, SID201904105
- Tempat Tidur Khusus Perawatan Luka, SID201902945
- Alat Pengatur Aliran LPG Pada Kendaraan Berbahan Bakar Gas, SID201904106
- Menjadi Mekanik Spesialis Kelistrikan Sepeda Motor, 2010, ISBN: 978-602-8800-06-8
- Teknik Menyusun Manuskrip dan Publikasi Ilmiah Internasional, 2017, ISBN: 978-602-453-504-9
- Listrik dan Elektronika Dasar Otomotif (Basic Automotive Electricity and Electronics), 2017, ISBN: 978-602-51079-0-0
- Teknologi kendaraan berbahan bakar LPG, 2018, ISBN: 978-623-209-731-5
- Studi Analisis Penerapan LPG/Vigas untuk Angkutan Umum Kota Magelang, 2019, ISBN: 978-602-53981-7-9
- Excel untuk Mahasiswa Teknik Otomotif, 2021, ISBN: 978-623-7261-30-8