The author may follow this guideline prior to submit the manucript

1. General

2. Ethical Guidelines

3. Submission of Manuscripts

4. Manuscript Types Accepted

5. Manuscript Format and Structure

6. After Acceptance

7. Early View Publication

The following is the description of each section above:

The Editors welcome papers on practice, research, education, or management which contribute to the development and understanding of all aspects of innovation in health. The author that serves in non-healthcare services is allowed to submit a paper focusing on innovation in health. These papers will reflect all areas where the researcher implements practice as well as areas that complement or are an extension of the innovation in health. These will encompass general and specialist hospitals and the community. They will address issues that affect the general population focusing on current innovative clinical practice, education, care delivery systems, and public policies.

Please read the instructions below carefully for details on the submission of manuscripts, the journal's requirements and standards as well as information concerning the procedure after a manuscript has been accepted for publication in the Innovation In Health For Society. Authors are encouraged to read this section for further information on the preparation and submission of articles and figures.


Innovation in Health for Society adheres to the ethical guidelines for publication and research. This can be read in this section. However, several additional information is provided below, as follows:

2.1. Authorship and Acknowledgements

Authorship: Authors submitting a paper do so on the understanding that the manuscript has been read and approved by all authors and that all authors agree to the submission of the manuscript to the Journal.

Innovation in Health for Society adheres to the definition of authorship set up by The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). According to the ICMJE, authorship criteria should be based on:

1) Substantial contributions to the conception and design of, or acquisition of data or analysis and interpretation of data

2) Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content and;

3) Final approval of the/ version to be published.

Authors should meet conditions 1, 2, and 3.

It is a requirement that all authors have been accredited as appropriate upon submission of the manuscript. Contributors who do not qualify as authors should be mentioned under Acknowledgements.

Acknowledgments: Under Acknowledgements please specify contributors to the article other than the authors accredited. Please also include specifications of the source of funding for the study and any potential conflict of interest if appropriate. Suppliers of materials should be named and their location (town, state/county, country) included.

2.2. Ethical Approvals

Editors reserve the right to reject papers if there is doubt as to whether appropriate procedures have been used.  Images and information from individual participants will only be published where the authors have obtained the individual's free prior informed consent.

Authors do not need to provide a copy of the consent form to the publisher; however, in signing the author license to publish, authors are required to confirm that consent has been obtained. A statement is required with any report of investigations involving human subjects confirming that informed consent was obtained from the subject(s) and/or guardian(s). It should be stated clearly in the Material and Methods section of the manuscript that informed consent was obtained.

Ethics of Investigation: Papers not in agreement with the guidelines of the Helsinki Declaration as revised in 1975 will not be accepted for publication.

2.3 Clinical Trials
Clinical trials should be reported using the CONSORT guidelines available at . A CONSORT checklist should also be included in the submission material ( ).

Innovation in Health for Society encourages authors submitting manuscripts reporting results from a clinical trial to provide the registration number and name of the clinical trial. Clinical trials can be registered in any of the following free, public clinical trial registries: , , The clinical trial registration number and name of the trial register will be published in the paper.

2.4 Conflict of Interest and Source of Funding
Conflict of Interest: Authors are required to disclose any possible conflict of interest. These include financial (for example patent, ownership, stock ownership, consultancies, speaker’s fee). Authors' conflicts of interest (or information specifying the absence of conflicts of interest) will be published under a separate heading.

Source of Funding: Authors are required to specify the source of funding for their research when submitting a paper. Suppliers of materials should be named and their location (town, state/county, country) included. The information will be disclosed in the published article.

2.5 Appeal of Decision
The decision on a paper is final and cannot be appealed.

2.6 Permissions
If all or parts of previously published illustrations are used, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder concerned. It is the author's responsibility to obtain these in writing and provide copies to the Publishers.



Manuscripts should be submitted electronically via online submission. The use of online submission and peer review sites speeds up the decision-making process, enables immediate distribution, and allows authors to track the status of their own manuscripts. If assistance is needed (or if for some reason online submission is not possible), the Editorial Office can be contacted here and will readily provide any help users need to upload their manuscripts.

Article Preparation Support

Innovation in Health for Society offers expert help with English Language Editing, as well as translation, manuscript formatting, figure illustration, figure formatting, and graphical abstract design – so the author can submit the manuscript with maximum confidence.

3.1 Online Submission
To submit a manuscript, please follow the instructions below.

1. Launch your web browser (Google Chrome or Internet Explorer 5 or higher or Netscape 7 or higher) and go to the journal's homepage ( ).

2. Login or click the 'Create Account' option if you are a first-time user of this journal.

3. If you are creating a new account.

- After clicking on 'Create Account, enter your name and e-mail information and click 'Next'. Your e-mail information is very important.

- Enter your institution and address information as appropriate, and then click 'Next.'

- Enter a user ID and password of your choice (we recommend using your e-mail address as your user ID), and then select your area of expertise. Click 'Finish'.

4. Login and use your ID as well as the password

3.2 Submitting Your Manuscript
5. After you have logged in, click the 'Submission' link in the menu bar.
6. Enter data and answer questions as appropriate. You may copy and paste directly from your manuscript and you may upload some required documents.
7. Review your submission before sending it to the Journal.

You can also access the journal system at any time to check the status of your manuscript. The Journal will inform you by e-mail once a decision has been made.

3.3. Manuscript Files Accepted
Manuscripts should be uploaded as Word (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rft) files (not write-protected) plus separate figure files. GIF, JPEG, PICT, or Bitmap files are acceptable for submission, but only high-resolution TIF or EPS files are suitable for printing. The files will be automatically converted to HTML and PDF on upload and will be used for the review process. The text file must contain the entire manuscript including the title page, abstract, text, references, tables, and figure legends, but no embedded figures. Figure tags should be included in the file. Manuscripts should be formatted as described in the author guidelines below.

3.4. Blinded Review
All submissions should be double-spaced and in font size 12. Please ensure that the pages are numbered and that all figures and tables are submitted under separate pages.

Please ensure your paper is anonymous with no identifying details. Your details will be entered into the system as part of the submission process.

3.5. Suggest a Reviewer
Innovation in Health for Society attempts to keep the review process as short as possible to enable the rapid publication of new scientific data. In order to facilitate this process, please suggest the names and current e-mail addresses of 1 potential international reviewer whom you consider capable of reviewing your manuscript. In addition to your choice, the journal editors will choose one or two reviewers as well.

3.6. Suspension of Submission Mid-way in the Submission Process
You may suspend a submission at any phase before submitting it and save it to submit later. 

3.7. E-mail Confirmation of Submission
After submission, you will receive an e-mail to confirm receipt of your manuscript. If you do not receive the confirmation e-mail after 24 hours, please check your e-mail address carefully in the system. If the e-mail address is correct please contact your IT department. The error may be caused by spam filtering software on your e-mail server. Also, the e-mails should be received if the IT department adds our e-mail server to their whitelist.

3.8. Manuscript Status
You can access the journal system to check the recent status of your manuscript. The Journal will inform you by e-mail once a decision has been made.

3.9. Submission of Revised Manuscripts
When completed, the revised manuscripts must be uploaded and authors being notified of conditional acceptance pending satisfactory revision. Please remember to delete any old files uploaded when you upload your revised manuscript. Please also remember to upload your manuscript document separately from your title page.


Manuscripts must be submitted exclusively to the Innovation in Health for Society and will normally fall into one of the following categories:

Full-Length Papers / Practice Papers

Original clinical research: reports of outcomes of original research which identify specific implications for health practice.
Practice development: analysis of innovations and trends in practice development in health which will impact healthcare practices.
Literature reviews: comprehensive analysis and evaluation of published material which should include suggestions for practice, policy, or research. This paper must use the PRISMA flow diagram when extracting articles.

Short Papers / Professional Issues

Critical commentary: Well-argued personal comments on current issues in health and other professional issues or societal trends which will impact healthcare practices.
Reflective analysis: Insightful pieces where practitioners reflect on issues encountered in their practice and offer solutions and recommendations for practice.
Case reports: case reviews of the implementation of innovative technology which provide new information on specific conditions or situations.
Audit: reports of audits of clinical practice, education, and care delivery systems that will inform practice.
Patent: present the patent in healthcare services.

Regular Sections

Conference reports: Brief reports which outline national or international events such as a conference, symposium, or other relevant meetings.
Letters to the editor: Well-argued responses or comments to articles published in the journal or on points of current interest.
Guest editorials: These are usually commissioned by the editors. They will provide expert opinions or critical reviews on a topical issue
Book reviews: These are also usually commissioned by the editors and will evaluate newly published books in innovative technology and related subjects as well as professional development and education.

For full-length papers, the preferred length is 3000-5000 words, excluding abstracts and references. Shorter papers should be between 1000-1500 words and contributions to regular sections should be around 500 words.


5.1. Format
Covering Letter: A covering letter must be submitted when submitting a manuscript, stating on behalf of all the authors that the work has not been published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. The Editors will decide on the time of publication and retain the right to modify the style of a contribution; major changes will be agreed upon with the author(s) before the production of proofs.

Title Page: This should include the article title and manuscript type (but no author details). Please note the chosen article title should be no more than 12 words. The number of words used, excluding abstract and references, should be specified when submitting a manuscript.

Abstract and Keywords: The Abstract should be structured and should not exceed 500 words. The abstract should accurately reflect the content of the paper and should not include references or abbreviations. The abstract should be followed by up to 6 keywords that accurately identify the paper's subject, purpose, and focus, in alphabetical order, in order to facilitate cross-referencing.

Body of Text: Headings should be used to guide and structure your paper. Suggested headings include:

(1) Introduction
(2) Method
(3) Results
(4) Discussion
(5) Conclusion
(6) Acknowledgment

These headings will need to be adapted to report practice developments. Please remember that data is historic and should be reported in the past tense. Please refrain from naming individuals, Trusts, and Hospitals to preserve anonymity.

The methodology and methods used for a piece of research or for a literature search need to be outlined briefly in the report.

At the end of the paper, a box should be inserted that identifies what is known about the subject and what this paper contributes (maximum 150 words). Contributions to the manuscript should be indicated, by initials, at the end including study design, data collection and analysis, and manuscript preparation.

Abbreviations should be used sparingly and only if a lengthy name or expression is repeated throughout the manuscript. When used, the abbreviated name or expression should be cited in full at first usage, followed by the accepted abbreviation in parentheses. Quotations included appropriately within the body of the text should be marked by single inverted commas. Longer, or self-contained quotations should be preceded and followed by a double space; neither single inverted commas nor italics should then be used. Statistical methods used should be defined and, where appropriate, supported by references.

Ethical Principles: Researchers are asked to ensure that they have obtained suitable approval from a research ethics committee for their studies; all contributors will be expected to have followed sound ethical principles generally and to have preserved the anonymity and confidentiality of patients, clients, and staff and, where appropriate.

Optimizing Your Abstract for Search Engines: Many students and researchers looking for information online will use search engines such as Google, Yahoo, or similar. By optimizing your article for search engines, you will increase the chance of someone finding it. 

Language: The language of publication is English. Authors for whom English is a second language must have their manuscript professionally edited by an English-speaking person before submission to make sure the English is of high quality. 

5.2. Units, Abbreviations, and Nomenclature
Spelling should conform with that used in The Concise Oxford Dictionary and abbreviations with those in Units, Symbols, and Abbreviations (1994) published by the Royal Society of Medicine Press, 1 Wimpole Street, London W1M 8AE.

All units of measurement must follow the SI system. The concentrations of solutions should be given as molar concentrations. All other concentrations should be expressed as percentages.

Abbreviations of biological, medical, chemical, and other terms should only be used when such abbreviations are both internationally recognized and unambiguous. The first use of an abbreviation must be explained by also giving the unabbreviated term.

All biological, medical, chemical, and other names should be given in keeping with the latest international nomenclature. If an animal is being mentioned in the text for the first time, the binomial name should be given, e.g. carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Thereafter, this can be abbreviated to C. Carpio.

5.3. Illustrations and Tables
Figures should be saved in a neutral data format such as TIFF or EPS. Powerpoint and Word graphics are unsuitable for reproduction. Please do not use any pixel-oriented programs. Scanned figures (only in TIFF format) should have a resolution of 300 dpi (halftone) or 600 to 1200 dpi (line drawings) in relation to the reproduction size. Photographic material should be of such quality that high-contrast reproductions can be made; photostats of photographs are unacceptable. Permission to reprint figures, pictures, or any other material and to show patients or members of staff in photographs, must be obtained by the author in writing and a copy forwarded to the Editorial Office.

Please note that figures will generally be reduced to fit within the column width of the print area. This means that numbering and lettering must still be readable when reduced (e.g. maps) and that the scale might not correspond with the original (microscopic pictures), thereby invalidating references to scale in the text. If a figure is to be cropped, please mark the lines on a photocopy or tracing paper. Printouts should be made with a laser printer at the highest resolution (> 600 dpi). If artwork is to be scanned, line drawings should only be contour drawings without halftones (shades of grey). Only reproducible original line drawings (not larger than 30 40 cm) or high-quality photostats (on DIN A4) may be submitted. Please do not use patterns; rough hatching is possible.

Graphs with an x and y-axis should not be enclosed in frames; only 2-dimensional representations. Tables should be created using the table function. To ease the setting of the tables in accordance with the style of the journal, they should be clearly arranged with the minimum of rules.

Do not forget the labels and units. Captions for the figures should give a precise description of the content and should not be repeated within the figure. The illustration of a particular point using both figures and tables is to be avoided. If figures or tables are taken from another publication, the source must be mentioned.

5.4 Colour figures

Colour figures may be published online free of charge. If you wish your figures to be reproduced in black and white, and there are references to color in the legend please make changes to the figure legends where appropriate. Please check your proofs carefully to ensure the correct figures are present and the colors appear as you intended.

5.5. References

All references should be formatted in APA. The guideline can be read on this website.

Innovation in Health for Society encourages authors to share the data and other artifacts supporting the results in the paper by archiving it in an appropriate public repository. Authors should include a data accessibility statement, including a link to the repository they have used, in order that this statement can be published alongside their paper.


Upon acceptance of a paper for publication, the manuscript will be forwarded to the Production Editor who is responsible for the production of the journal.

6.1 Proof Corrections

The corresponding author will receive an e-mail alert containing a link to a website. A working e-mail address must therefore be provided for the corresponding author. The proof can be downloaded as a PDF (portable document format) file. This will enable the file to be opened, read on screen, and printed out in order for any corrections to be added. Further instructions will be sent with the proof.

6.2 Author Name Change policy

In cases where authors wish to change their name following publication, the journal will update and republish the paper and redeliver the updated metadata to indexing services. Our editorial and production teams will use discretion in recognizing that name changes may be of a sensitive and private nature for various reasons including (but not limited to) alignment with gender identity, or as a result of marriage, divorce, or religious conversion. Accordingly, to protect the author’s privacy, we will not publish a correction notice to the paper, and we will not notify co-authors of the change. Authors should contact the journal’s Editorial Office with their name change request.

Articles are therefore available as soon as they are ready, rather than having to wait for the next scheduled print issue. They have been fully reviewed, revised, and edited for publication, and the author's final corrections have been incorporated. Because they are in the final form, no changes can be made after online publication.

The nature of Early View articles means that they do not yet have volume, issue, or page numbers, so Early View articles cannot be cited in the traditional way. They are therefore given a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), which allows the article to be cited and tracked before it is allocated to an issue. After print publication, the DOI remains valid and can continue to be used to cite and access the article.