September - December

Published: Aug 14, 2021

The Simulation of Performance and Emissions from Rapeseed and Soybean Methyl Ester in Different Injection Pressures

112-118 Annisa Bhikuning

Aerodynamics of Bus Platooning under Crosswind

119-130 Aan Yudianto, I Wayan Adiyasa, Afri Yudantoko

Resin-based Brake Pad from Rice Husk Particles: From Literature Review of Brake Pad from Agricultural Waste to the Techno-Economic Analysis

131-149 Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto, Dwi Fitria Al Husaeni, Risti Ragadhita, Tedi Kurniawan

Influence Temperature and Holding Time of Empty Fruit Bunch Slow Pyrolysis to Phenolic in Biocrude Oil

150-160 Anton Irawan, Teguh Kurniawan, Hafid Alwan, Darisman Darisman, Dina Pujianti, Yazid Bindar, Muhammad Saifullah Abu Bakar, Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto

Combustion Analysis of Ammonia/Oxygen Mixtures at Various Equivalence Ratio Conditions Using a Constant Volume Combustor with Sub-chamber

161-170 Bin Guo, Mitsuhisa Ichiyanagi, Makoto Horie, Keita Aihara, Takuma Ohashi, Abiyasu Zhang, Takashi Suzuki

Distribution of a Taxi Fleet: The Problem of Arranging Repair and Maintenance in the Absence of Centralized Management

171-183 Eugeniu Cozac, Mikhail Gordienko, Mikhail Bogdanov, Tatyana Sakulyeva, Ilia Aksenov